Lessons and Clinics

  • Adult Clinics 2025

    Registrations Begins: March 1st
    Contact: Ian Willikens PGA
    Cell: 603-264-1351

    Series #1
    Day: Tuesday
    Dates: May 13th 20th 27th 
    Time: 6-7PM 
    Cost: $125 per participant
    Rain date June 3rd

    Series #2
    Day: Thursday
    Date: May 15th 22nd 29th  
    Time: 6-7PM 
    Cost: $125 per participant
    Rain date June 5th

    Series #3
    Day: Tuesday
    Date: June 10th 17th 24th 
    Time: 6-7PM
    Cost: $125 per participant

    Series #4
    Day: Tuesday
    Date: June 10th 17th 24th 
    Time: 7-8PM
    Cost: $125 per participant
    Rain date July 1st

    Series #5
    Day: Thursday
    Date: June 12th 19th 26th 
    Time: 6-7PM
    Cost: $125 per participant
    Rain date July 3rd

    Series #6
    Day: Thursday
    Date: June 12th 19th 26th 
    Time: 7-8PM
    Cost: $125 per participant
    Rain date July 3rd

    Minimum of 4 students required. Maximum of 6-8 students. Enrollment Cost: $125.00 Full fee is due when registering.

    The series will consist of three sessions, each session lasting one hour. The first half of each session will focus on the fundamentals of the various golf shots. The second half of each session will focus on practical learning to play the game relating to the sessions instruction. The three series will focus on the fundamentals of putting, chip shots, pitch shots, sand shots & full swing, equipment recommendations and “Practical Learning”.

    Session 1:

    Training Focusing on the fundamentals of Putting and Chip Shots. Practical Learning Learning the etiquette and implementing the techniques of these two shots.

    Session 2:
    Training Focusing on the fundamentals of approach shots to the green. Practical Learning Learning the etiquette and implementing the techniques.

    Session 3:
    Training Focusing on the fundamentals of tee shots.

    Practical Learning Learning the etiquette and implementing the techniques.

    Each Session we review. 1) Grip 2) Posture 3) Ball position 4) Body Alignment 5) Body and Club movement


    Schedule Clinics at your convenience We will customize instructional programs to fit your needs from:

    Adding additional sessions

    On course Instruction/playing

  • Private Lessons

    Geoffrey Williams, PGA
    Cell: 603-833-0084

    Ian Willikins, PGA
    e-mail: iwillikens@scottishhighlandsgolf.com
    Cell: 603-264-1351

    Adult Rates

    Single Session

    Half Hour: $60.00

    Hour: $100.00

    Multiple Sessions

    Half Hour

    Three Sessions: $160.00

    Six Sessions: $300.00

    One Hour

    Three Sessions: $270.00

    Six Session: $510.00


    Junior Rates (16 and under)

    Single Session

    Half Hour: $45.00

    Hour: $80.00


    Multiple Sessions

    Half Hour

    Three Sessions: $120.00

    Six Sessions: $235.00

    One Hour

    Three Sessions: $215.00

    Six Sessions: $410.00


    On-Course Coaching Session
    2 hours, Includes:

    - 15-20min. Warm-up session

    - On-course coaching while playing with PGA professional to focus on a variety of shots and strategies.

    - Session review

    Fee: $250.00

  • Junior Clinics 2025

    Registrations Begins: March 1st
    Contact: Ian Willikins PGA
    Cell: 603-264-1351

    Junior Golf Programs

    Scroll down to check dates for 2025 Dates

    Golf equipment will be available for use and to purchase.

    Mass Vacation junior camp:  
    Date: April 22nd thru April 24th
    Time: 9-11 AM 
    Cost: $129 per participant

    If you have more than one child the cost is $100 per participant


    NH Vacation junior camp: 
    Date: April 29th thru May 2nd
    Time: 9-11AM
    Cost: $129 per participant

    If you have more than one child the cost is $100 per participant


    Young golfer clinics:
    Maximum of 9 students per series
    Age 5-9 
    Day: Saturday mornings

    Time: 9am to 9:30 
    Cost: $30 per series

    Series #1
    June 7, 14, 21

    Series #2
    July 12, 19, 26

    Series #3
    August 9, 16, 23


    Summer junior camps: 
    Age 10-16

    Date: June 24th thru June 26th 
    Time: 9-11 AM 
    Cost: $129  per participant 

    Date: July 8th thru July 11th 
    Time: 9-11 AM
    Cost: $129  per participant

    If you have more than one child the cost is $100 per participant


    Get ready for High School golf clinic:

    August 5th and 6th: (Practice Range)
    Time: 9-11AM 

    August 7th: (on course coaching)
    7AM start time 

    Cost: $149 per participant

Meet Scottish Highland’s
“PGA of America Head Professional”

Geoffrey Williams, PGA
       *TPI Certified
*K-Vest II Certified

To inquire or schedule a lesson, please call: 603-833-0084

Instructional Philosophy

The art of teaching is a combination of patience, enthusiasm, encouragement, knowledge, and most of all, the joy of what you are doing. My goal as an Instructor/Coach is to create a golf swing that will be efficient, fundamentally sound and repeatable. This will be accomplished with 3-D (animation) and 2-D (video) analysis, then integrating the golf training through prescribing golf specific movements (that fit your desired goals) that will help you reach peak ability.

Educational Experience

Member of the Professional Golfers Association - 42 years


  • Harry Obitz, Dick Farley, Rick McCord

  • Homer Kelly (The Golfing Machine)

  • Mac O’Grady (PGA Tour)

  • Mike Austin (350 Club)


  • TPI level 1 certified

  • K-Vest level 1 and 2 certified

  • National PGA Teaching Summits

  • Northeastern PGA Teaching Summits

  • New England PGA Teaching Summits


  • Golf Tips for area Newspapers, Radio and TV

  • Par Golf (Japanese magazine)

  • Golf Weekly (Florida)


  • Junior Golf Promoter Award 1999


  • University of New Hampshire, Women’s Golf Team Head Coach 1991 – 1993

Instructional Experience

Teaching Professional

  • Swing the Thing Golf School. Orlando, Florida (6 yrs.) Included schools throughout the USA and Japan.

    Long and short term programs for Adults and Juniors)

  • Grenelefe Resort (Haines City, FL)

Corporate Instructional Clinics

  • Golf Magazine

  • Golf Week Magazine

  • Changing Times & US News and

  • World Report

  • Georgia Pacific

  • National Womens Amateur

  • Par Golf Magazine (Japan)

Junior Golf Programs

  • Wilton-Lyndeboro Co-op

  • Barrington Middle School

  • Stafford YMCA

  • Hook a Kid on Golf- National Junior Program

Week Long Junior Golf Camps

  • Orange Lake CC Orlando, FL

  • Shawnee on the Delaware Poconos, PA

  • Nippo Lake GC Barrington, NH

  • Candia Woods GL Candia, NH

  • Campbell’s Scottish Highlands

Meet Scottish Highland’s
“PGA of America Assistant Golf Professional

Ian Willikens PGA
*PGA Hope Certified
*US Kids Certified Coach
*PGA Junior League Coach
*Trackman Level II Certified

To inquire or schedule a lesson, please call: 603-264-1352

Congratulations to Ian Willikens
New Hampshire Chapter of the New England Section (PGA)
2025 Youth Player Development Award Winner

Ian previously worked at CSHGC from 2000 to 2004. Since that time, he has worked at Derryfield CC as an Assistant Pro and Teaching Professional. Ian has also held positions at Ragged Mountain Resort, Amherst Country Club, and Dick's Sporting Goods. As of 2024, Ian is back to Scottish Highlands! Welcome back home Ian!

He is passionate about junior golf and was the the 2021 PGA Youth Development award recipient. Ian has been a PGA Junior Coach since the inception of the program in 2015. He has recently coached High School golf at Phillips Exeter Academy and Derryfield School.

Ian, his wife Sandra, 2 teenage step children, along with their beloved yellow lab moved to Salem last April. Ian is really excited to reconnect with old friends and meet many new ones in his new home town.