Year: 2014

DEMO Day – Friday, May 30th 1-5 PM at the Range

Don’t forget Demo Day at the Driving Range tomorrow, Friday May 30th from 1-5 PM.

Come try a new club – many of the top companies (Adams, Ping, Taylormade and Titleist) will be on hand with their NEW products!

Learn which shaft flex and degree of loft will give you optimum distance.

Control your shots with Lie Angle, Club Length, Flex & Shaft and Grip Size.

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And we have another one….

Congratulations to Frank Tobin who shot a Hole-In-One here on May 20th, 2014.

Frank golfs at Scottish Highlands often including with the Vagabond League.

He made this shot on Hole # 7 from 167 Yards, using a 19° Taylor Made Hybrid.

Memorial Day Special


MONDAY, MAY 26, 2014 STARTING at 12:00 NOON
Play Together – Save Together, Bring Four – Save More
With Our “Memorial Day” Special

18 Holes                                 9 Holes

       Single – Save $10                        Single – Save $3           

Twosome – Save $15 Each           Twosome – Save $5 Each

Threesome – Save $20 Each         Threesome – Save $10 Each

Foursome – Save $25 Each           Foursome – Save $15 Each

Call 603-894-4653 Ext 13 (Proshop) or book on-line at

Some restrictions may apply. These specials are not valid for group outings.
These specials are not valid for twilight golf & cannot be combined with
any other specials or discounts.


Congratulations to Ron Hubbard who made a Hole-In-One here yesterday May 19th, 2014 on Hole # 11 – swinging an 8 Iron!

Enjoy Our Mother’s Day Special !

Happy Mother’s Day !

*** Two for One*** on Sunday, May 11th at 11:00 AM or later.

We still have some afternoon tee times open so come enjoy the outdoors and golf with Mom and/or your favorite golfing partners!
Book on line or Call the Proshop at 603-894-4653 Ext. 13


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Note: Some restrictions may apply.

These specials are not valid for group outings & cannot be combined with any other specials or discounts.

Tips to Prepare Your Lawn for the Winter

With the onset of the cool weather it may seem that you’re all done taking care of the lawn but there may be a few more things to think about.

Mowing: Slowly begin to bring your cutting height down to two – two and one half inches. This will help prevent the grass from rolling over or getting matted down which can cause unwanted fungus to run rampant.

Fertilize: A good time to apply your last fertilizer is mid to late October. This prepares the lawn for the winter and gives the grass the nutrients it needs for a strong early ‘green up’ in the spring.

Aerate: The fall is a great time to aerate your lawn and over seed if needed. Some of the benefits to aerating are that it allows oxygen, water, and fertilizer to penetrate much better and also relieves compacted soil so roots can establish themselves better which can also increase lateral growth.

Weeds: The fall is a good time to treat for broadleaf weeds. Be sure to apply weed control when temperatures are above 50 degrees. This allows the product to get into the weeds and do its job. Killing the weeds now allows the grass to fill into that area.

Leaves: It’s very important to keep the lawn free of leaves especially before the snow falls because the environment under the leaves creates a breeding ground for fungus. Also, try to give you lawn a good raking with a metal rake to get rid of the thatch.

Irrigation: Yes, you may need to water but of course considerably less then in the summer months so adjust those ‘irrigation times’ accordingly. This would be a good time to remember to schedule you irrigation winterization. Also I would like add that if you don’t have a rain sensor please look into getting one. A lot of water is wasted by systems that continue to run during periods of rain.

Winterize That Mower: Don’t forget to winterize that mower. Change the oil, change all filters, condition the gas, sharpen blades, grease if needed, check or change spark plug, adjust points and possible the carburetor.

~Glenn White CGCS

New Website

We would like to announce that we are ushering the 2014 golf season with a brand new website! Our hope is that in doing so, we have helped (even a little bit) in improving your overall experience with Campbell’s Scottish Highlands. Booking tee times online is as easy as ever and with greater ease, our customers will be better able to stay up to date on the specials we are offering on the course, at the range, and in the snack bar.

For us, here at The Scottish Highlands, this is just another step in our mission to continuously improve the product we offer our customers. Additionally, we value your input so if there is anything you would like to see added or streamlined on this website, feel free to leave a comment for us on the Contact page.

We look forward to seeing you on the course March 28th (fingers crossed)!

Dana Campbell

The Five Keys to Off-Season Training for Golf

Here we go again; it’s WINTER and for most of us that means snow outside and the golf clubs are stuck in the closet. Here’s the good news: just because the weather doesn’t permit you to go work on your golf swing, it doesn’t mean we can’t do something inside that will help maintain and improve your swing for this year’s opening day. Here’s a list of the five most important things to do during the off season to help keep your sway in tip top shape.

  1. Putting indoors
  2. Movement pattern training
  3. Swing a lightweight club
  4. Improve your strength
  5. Improve your flexibility

Putting Indoors:

I know it’s an old cliché, but it’s true, putting is the most important factor to improve if you want a lower your handicap. There are a variety of indoor putting cups that you can buy and place in your office or home to get some practice during the off-season. Try to putt on a hard compact carpet surface and focus on timing and rhythm to groove a consistent stroke. Try to get it at least 15 minutes of putting every other day during the off-season and this will make big strives to improving your game on opening day.

Movement Pattern Training:

***The K-Vest is Ideal for this Type of Training***

If you have a chronic swing fault that you just can’t seem to get rid of each year, then movement pattern training is what you need to focus on during the off-season. The problem with most reoccurring swing faults is that we practice the bad habits more than the good ones. In other words, each time we swing we are repeating all the bad habits and we don’t spend enough time practicing the new good movement to counterbalance these old set patterns. Use this off-season as the perfect opportunity to groove a perfect movement pattern so the old ones disappear for good this time. For example, if you sway (your trail leg moves away from the target during the backswing) then focus this off-season on standing in front of a mirror and turning without letting your lower body move away from the target. If your head lifts up during the backswing, then stand underneath something in your house where if you lift up as you turn your head will touch the object. By focusing on one movement pattern and practice say at least three times a week you can conquer even the most stubborn swing fault during one off-season.


Swing a Lightweight Club:

How many of us would love the start this season with a 15 more yards on your drive? This is not as hard as it sounds if you train appropriately. The secret to improving your club head speed is to train your body how to stabilize high speeds of rotation. In other words, you can only swing as fast as you can stabilize, hence why most of us fall over or lose our balance if we try to swing harder. This off-season, go buy a kids driver or a lightweight club to swing. Research has shown if you spend three times a week swinging a lightweight club your body will learn how to stabilize higher speeds of rotation. Since the club is lighter that you’re used to it will be traveling at a higher speeds than normal. Now all you have to do is try to maintain good balance and a solid posture as you swing the club.

Improve Your Strength and Flexibility:

Most of us know if we improved our level of fitness it would absolutely improve our golf swing. The problem is, many of us don’t have the discipline to start a fitness routine or wouldn’t know what exercises to perform even if we wanted to workout. I think the key principle that everyone needs to understand is that 10 minutes focusing on flexibility and strength performed three times a week can make a massive change in our ability to perform a golf swing. It doesn’t take 60 minutes in a gym five times a week to notice a difference. I am confident most of us can find 10 minutes to set aside for improving our golf body.

So the next question is what should we do? Here is a short list of the key exercises you should perform for golf this off-season. All eight exercises should take less than 10 minutes to perform.

1) Abdominal strength

Try to knock out at least two sets of sit-ups (any variety) to help improve your core strength. Each set should last until you feel a slight burn in your stomach.

2) Tricep strength

The large muscle in your arm that helps get width and speed in your downswing. Take a dumbbell and hold it straight over your head. Keeping your elbow above your head lower the weight behind your head and back. Then return the weight to the extended position. Do this 10 times with each arm for tricep strength.

3) Forearm/Grip strength

The research is clear on this one – longer hitters have better grip strength. Get a tennis ball and try to squeeze the ball as hard as you can for up to 5 seconds on each hand at least 3 times. This will build great grip and forearm strength.

4) Leg strength

The legs are the foundation of the swing. Try lunges for better legs this season. Holding onto a weight in both hands step forward with your right leg. Lower yourself down until your right thigh is parallel with the ground and your right knee is directly over your right foot. Now step forward with your left leg and repeat the move. Try 10 lunges with each leg.

5) Lat flexibility

The Latissimus Dorsi muscle (the Lat) is a key muscle for power development in the shoulders during golf. Unfortunately it is typically a very tight muscle in most golfers. Here is how you stretch it. Lie on your back with your knees pulled up to your chest and your arms directly over your head holding onto a golf club. Keeping your knees as close to your chest as possible, try to push the club along the ground as far away from your head as possible and hold. You will definitely feel this one in your Lats. Hold for 20-30 seconds and release.

6) Thoracic Spine Rotation

This is your ability to create a full shoulder turn. Sitting in a chair with a club held across your chest, try to rotate your shoulders as far as possible clockwise while keeping your knees together and pointing forward. Repeat in both directions up to 10 times. This will get easier.

7) Hip Rotation

One of the tightest areas on most golfers is their hips. Here is an easy exercise to start and develop better hip range of motion. Start by lying on your side with your knees bent and your legs on top of each other. Keeping your knees together, try to lift your top foot as high as you can without letting your knees separate. Repeat this back and forth 10 times and then repeat on the other side. For more difficulty, you can lift the top leg about 6 inches off the bottom leg and repeat the same exercise.

Good luck this off-season and now we can all look forward to an exciting new swing this year!

~Geoff Williams